tueplots.constants.markers module

tueplots.constants.markers module#

Marker collections.

tueplots.constants.markers.o_sized = array(['o', '*', 'v', 'p', '<', 'P', '>', 'X', '^', 'D'], dtype='<U1')#

All markers that have a size roughly similar to ‘o’, ‘^’, etc..

tueplots.constants.markers.triangles = array(['^', 'v', '<', '>'], dtype='<U1')#

All triangular markers.

tueplots.constants.markers.x_like = array(['x', 'p', '*'], dtype='<U1')#

All markers that look roughly like the bold X (i.e. bold +, *, etc.)

tueplots.constants.markers.x_like_bold = array(['X', 'P', '*'], dtype='<U1')#

All markers that look roughly like X (i.e. +, *, etc.)